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Posters: Biological Uptake

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The French AMORAD project (2013-2022) and the modeling of radionuclide transfer to biota in the Fukushima area


Sabine Charmasson

Risk assessment of post-Fukushima 137Cs contamination for three tuna species


Inna Senina

Dose rates to marine organisms and seafood consumers from the Fukushima accident: temporal and spatial dose rates across the Pacific


Mathew Johansen

Tuna transport of Fukushima-derived radiocesium across the North Pacific, and application to improved understanding oftrans-Pacific migration rates


Daniel Madigan

An evaluation of radiation doses and associated risk from the Fukushima nuclear accident to marine biota and human consumers of seafood


Nicholas S. Fisher

The determining factors of radio-cesium levels in fish off Fukushima derived from dynamic biological transfer model simulation


Yutaka Tateda

Influence of body size on 137Cs uptake in marine animals


Derin M Thomas

Spatiotemporal changes in radiocesium concentrations in marine products off Fukushima after the accident


Toshihiro Wada