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Dose to marine organisms and seafood consumers from Fukushima




Mathew Johansen
Australian Nuclear Science and Technical Organisation


  1. sabine charmasson on March 10, 2021 at 6:06 am

    Hi Matt, Thank you for this didactic poster. Are studies continuing on this topic? my understanding is that they tried to isolate the harbor so that the fish wouldn’t come out. Recently a fish, was found with concentrations of off off Shinchi town which is ca 60 km north of FDNNP1and it has been speculated that it may have escaped from the port. I am amazed by the number of fish caught in this port… did they manage to “isolate” it well?

    • Mathew Johansen on March 12, 2021 at 9:09 pm

      Dear Sabine, Thank you for the question. I too would like to learn more about the timing and effectiveness of measures that would limit the movement of fish into and out of the port. Some reported measures include:
      • Catch and remove the fish (e.g., sampling program)
      • Place gill nets at the entrance and other locations within the port to limit fish movement,
      • Cover bottom sediments of areas within the port.
      However, because boats need to move in and out of the port to support the work at the FDNPS site, and because the system is dynamic, the port should not be viewed as having been sealed (e.g., gill nets at the entrance must be removed for entry or exit of a boat). Some fish movement is expected.
      Some information sources on this topic are: Fujimoto et al., 2015, Wada et al. 2016, Tateda et al. 2017 and TEPCO information releases.
      I would appreciate receiving links to any more-detailed or more recent information.
      Mat Johansen