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  1. sabine charmasson on March 9, 2021 at 3:55 am

    Thank you for presenting this interesting work. The seawater pathway was therefore certainly the most signifucantt immediately after the accident and the surface: volume ratio must therefore have been the most important factor. However, don’t you think that once the plume has passed, the ingestion has become the predominant factor, especially since generally it is considered that the assimilation efficiency of cesium is high?

  2. Nicholas Fisher on March 10, 2021 at 3:06 pm

    Hi Sabine, I think I can comment here. In seawater, the radiocesium content of marine phytoplankton is barely detectable–too many competing ions, including stable Cs. Obviously this is not the case in freshwater systems. So, herbivorous zooplankton that eat marine phytoplankton get essentially no Cs through their diet. Once the Cs is taken up from the dissolved phase by the zooplankton, however, the assimilation of Cs is indeed high in the carnivores that consume these zooplankton.