Contribute a Recipe We are always looking to expand our Cookbook and welcome new contributions! New elements or isotopes are particularly encouraged, but feel free to send in variations you use in your own lab. There can never be too many methods included. These do not have to be published methods, though that is a plus, but we are asking for references when available for when you have used them. We advise you to look at some of the existing selections and match as close as possible the step by step format and sections we have in place. Please fill in the fields below (those with * are required) and attach your recipe file (in WORD or pdf) and we’ll be back in touch as we add your recipes to this ever expanding cookbook. For questions, contact cmer@whoi.eduShort Descriptive Title* Sample Type* Water Biota Sediment Filters Elements*ActiniumAmericiumAntimonyBerylliumCarbonCeriumCesiumCobaltCuriumHydrogenIodineIronLeadNeptuniumPhosphorusPlutoniumPoloniumPromethiumProtactiniumRadiumRadonRutheniumStrontiumThoriumUraniumRadioisotopes*(234Th, 90Sr, 137Cs, etc)Detection Method*(alpha, gamma, mass spectrometry, etc.)Full Name*Contact Info*(Email preferred)YearCitation(for method and/or application; 2 references maximum)Upload Recipe File*Accepted file types: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.