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  1. Olivier MASSON on March 10, 2021 at 3:39 am

    Dear Mizuo,

    Thank you for this nice apportionment of the various processes involved in deposition and with the resuspension study of formerly deposited radionuclides.

    Once resuspended would it be possible to export or transport a fraction of airborne resuspended particles from highly contaminated areas towards less or even not contaminated areas ? Would it be significant or minor?


    • Mizuo Kajino on March 10, 2021 at 1:45 pm

      Dear Olivier,

      Thank you for your question. In our ACP paper (, source contributions were presented in Fig. 12b. The contributions of highly contaminated areas (defined as observed deposition amounts in March 2011 exceeding 300 kBq/m2) were about 90% at Namie and 10-40% (approximately 20% on annual average) at Tsukuba. However, the simulation results were derived assuming that the resuspended size of aerosols were same as that of direct release. We are now preparing the next paper, inspired by your comment that the resuspended size should be much larger. We haven’t quantitatively assessed the source contributions yet, but the source contributions should be higher at Namie and lower at Tsukuba than those assessed in the previous paper. I will keep you updated about the new results, but I would say that the contribution should be minor.

      Best regards,