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  1. sabine charmasson on March 10, 2021 at 6:00 pm

    Dear Daisuke, Thanks for this interesting work. Regarding river discharges, I guess particulate cesium should be higher than dissolved. Although it is not really your domain of expertise, are there models on the case of Fukushima that take the particulate phase into account? In the same way are there hydrosedimentary models on this zone, this should be interesting in such area with strong typhoons? Best regards Sabine

    • Daisuke Tsumune on March 12, 2021 at 2:44 am

      Dear Sabine, Thank you for your useful comment. So far, we have only focused on imput of dissolved radiocesium from rivers, but as you mentioned, we would like to consider the dissolution process from particle radiocesium. Since observations are difficult, We believe that modeling studies that reproduce limited observations can be an effective approach to estimate the cesium flux from deposited particles in estuary. Our collaborators have already developed hydrosedimentary models for the Niiida River and are preparing a paper. We look forward to further discussion with you. Best regards, Daisuke.