Our Radioactive Ocean: Using citizen-science to monitor North America’s shores for radioactivity
Our Radioactive Ocean: 市民科学による北米海岸における放射能の監視

Jessica Drysdale
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Jessica Drysdale
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Thank you very much for your fascinating presentation. This is a very important project for the following generations. I wonder if you could tell us a bit more about the relations between your project and public sectors in North America (such as California state government) for the past 10 years?
Hi, thanks for your question – we have had little to no support from state or federal agencies to conduct sample analysis to monitor the shores for radioactive cesium because this type of monitoring is not part of their mandates. Unfortunately it seems to be a gap between various jurisdictions. We have received a lot of support from many small charitable and environmental organizations, some larger corporations, universities and native health groups. Many of these are shown on our webpage (ourradioactiveocean.org). In British Columbia, Canada, Health Canada (federally funded) began supporting sampling through the group InFORM at the University of Victoria in 2015. They continue to monitor the BC coast (and fish). More information about their effort can be found on their poster page (https://cmer.whoi.edu/10-years-of-study-and-insight/virtual-poster-session/science-and-society/jonathan-kellogg/)