Quantifying the transfers of radiocesium from Japanese land to the Pacific Ocean through the monitoring of coastal rivers draining the main plume and the deployment of sediment fingerprinting techniques

Olivier Evrard
CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission)
What will be the fate of the soils that are now stored in those large black decontamination bags? so as the bags decompose, will there be a higher chance for the soils to be transported by air or rivers vs. soil left in place?
These big bags are being transferred from the paddy fields across the landscapes to the ‘interim storage facilities’ built for that purpose in the vicinity of FDNPP (Okuma, Futaba Towns) where they should be kept until ~2045. More information on this decontamination is available on the following links:
The Japanese authorities currently consider the option of reusing the less contaminated material (containing less than 8000 Bq/kg of radiocesium) for construction works, embankments, etc.(but no decision has been taken yet):