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  1. sabine charmasson on March 8, 2021 at 6:28 pm

    Thank you for this very interesting poster. in figure 6 you talk about trial fisheries production after the accident does it mean that only TRIAL fisheries occur? What Do you have any idea of ​​the impact of the tsunami on the fishing fleet and therefore on the tonnage caught? are we still in test fishing in 2020? Congratulations on the large amount of samples and measurements made

    • Shotaro SUZUKI on March 9, 2021 at 4:53 am

      Thank you for your comment and some questions. The trial fishing was started from June. 2012, and it has been conducted until now including in 2020. Although Figure 6 shows only the trial fishing data, off-shore fisheries production also decreased after the accident. And the answer of your question on the impact of the tsunami on the fishing fleet is YES. The number of registered fishing boats decreased from 1207 in 2010 to 779 in 2011. I think the decrease of number of fishing boats can also relate to maintain low level the tonnage caught of trial fishing.

  2. Sabine Charmasson on March 9, 2021 at 5:05 pm

    Hello again, when you say that the trial fishery has been carried out so far, does that mean that the fishery products are not sold in the market? today i heard a radio show in france that all the fish caught off fukushima are bought by tepco (for monitoring purposes i guess). Is it true? I understood that all fishing bans had been lifted and that distribution had resumed even though consumers might be reluctant to buy these fish. Could you clarify this point please. Thanks.

    • Shotaro SUZUKI on March 10, 2021 at 3:36 am

      Dear Sabine Charmasson
      Thank you for the comment. First of all, the trial fishing is for investigation of reputation and promotion of fisheries products in the market. Therefore, all fishing product caught off Fukushima is distributed and sold in the market now except the black rock fish that was detected over 100 Bq/kg (Japanese shipping limit) in this February.
      Although you heard that all the fish caught off Fukushima are bought by TEPCO, I understand that TEPCO defrays the cost for catching the fish samples by the fishing boats for the monitoring and inspections as you would guess. Of cause, we can buy the fishing product caught off Fukushima in the super markets now.
      Thank you.

      • sabine charmasson on March 10, 2021 at 10:58 am

        Thank you for your clear answer