The determining factors of radio-cesium levels in fish off Fukushima derived from dynamic biological transfer model simulation

Yutaka Tateda
Environmental Science Research Laboratory, CRIEPI
Yutaka Tateda
Environmental Science Research Laboratory, CRIEPI
Thank you for sharing your interesting work. I think that improving the dynamic biological model near the seafloor is a very important issue. Can the “bioavailable fraction” in the sediment be explained only by those formed early after the accident, or do you think it will be produced continuously?
The radiocesium introduced from the past global fallout to ocean was observed as being strongly bind to the sediment, which was considered as not “bio-available”.
Therefore, the radiocesium in sediment of Fukushima coast is expected to become being not “bio-available” in the future.
However, continuous trace amount of radiocesium introduction, and the riverine radiocesium discharge from land to coastal water are exhibited from the poster presenters, thus it may require certain period to reduce “bio-available” radicesium in bottom sediment off Fukushima.
Dear Yutaka, Thank you for this didactic poster. Do we have an idea of the part of cesium in labile form which is brought by the rivers?
Hello Yutaka,
interesting results. Do you have an idea how the importance changed in contribution to cesium concentrations in rockfish between the water, food, and sediment through time?
During the initial period after the accident, seawater was considered as main source, whereas the food contribution was understood as becoming dominant source for a long term. Sediment contribution for radiocesium depuration in rockfish was not yet well clarified.